EXHIBITOR PROFILES 146 Prime Power Technology (Wuxi) Tel: 86 510 8356 3602 E: [email protected] pacelinkpower.com Stand: P121 As a customer-oriented brand with high industrial technology and vast experience, we are more than happy to offer any highly customised tailored gensets to suit the customers’ high demand. REPRESENTATIVE OF Powell Industrial Tel: 61 7 3722 3722 E: [email protected] powellindustrial.com.au Stand: B125 A new and innovative display of industrial and hydraulic hose and fittings. Eye-catching imagery and knowledgeable technical sales team ready to help and talk all things hose. Polish Investment and Trade Agency (Fasing, Konko, MOJ, Solid Engineering) Tel: 61 451 276 023 E: [email protected] paih.gov.pl Stand: P129 Polish Investment and Trade Agency represents three OEMs from Poland – Fasing (mining chains and accessories), MOJ (various mining products and services) and Konko (steel structures). Plastral Tel: 61 2 9695 3200 E: [email protected] plastral.com.au Stand: D141 Plastral is Australia’s leading and most iconic plastic supplier in the oceanic region. We offer wide range of engineering plastics, specialty polymers, chemicals, and plastic welding equipment. Plarad – Maschinenfabrik Wagner GmbH & Co. KG Tel: 49 2245 620 E: [email protected] plarad.de Stand: M114 Plarad’s premium bolting technology: unmatched quality, a wide range of products and expert solutions tailored to your needs. Experience the future of bolting systems with us. REPRESENTATIVE OF Pinnacle Hire Tel: 1300 447 392 E: [email protected] pinnaclehire.com.au Stand: B107 Speak with our Technical Specialists to discuss your Pumping, Water Treatment & Power Generation requirements. We will be releasing our NEW Eagle Eye remote monitoring system at AIMEX 2023!