EXHIBITOR PROFILES 162 Stabilised Pavements of Australia Tel: 61 2 4340 0111 E: [email protected] stabilisedpavements.com.au Stand: R107 Please visit us on stand R107. Specialised Force Tel: 61 2 9547 1844 E: [email protected] specialisedforce.com.au Stand: A135 Explore Specialised Force, exclusive distributor of Durapac. Discover our specialised hydraulic, electrical, and maintenance equipment. Boost productivity and profitability. Solid Engineering Tel: 61 2 4937 4570 E: [email protected] solidengineering.com.au Stand: P129 Come and chat with our team to see how we can support your mining operation with our one stop shop solution. Our team provides mining products, custom engineering, manufacture, and repair services. Solaft Filtration Solutions / MagShield Tel: 61 2 8006 6284 E: [email protected] solaft.com Stand: M115 Explore Solaft and MagShield’s stand for innovative, best practice filtration solutions that maximise productivity, reduce costs, and embrace sustainability in the industrial and equipment sectors. Soft Rigging Solutions Tel: 1300 993 009 E: [email protected] softriggingsolutions.com Stand: R138 Award-winning, patented & innovative rigging solutions that are redefining rigging in mining by making the use of dangerous heavy steel d-shackles and slings redundant. Slingco Australia Tel: 61 3 8840 6556 E: [email protected] slingcoaustralia.com.au Stand: H104 Slingco offer a range of safety restraining socks & whipchecks designed to prevent whipping in the event of a pressurized hose becoming detached from its fitting, as well as downhole cable protectors.